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Archive for Dr. Larry Emmott

Simple but Powerful Pro Tip: Pre-Engage Your Audience

Dr. Larry Emmott
Guest Blogger

A simple yet powerful pro tip: Engage your audience before you are introduced.

After you have arranged your introduction, set up your technology and completed a sound check use the time before you go on to meet the audience. Wander around the room, introduce yourself to individuals. Ask them why they are there, what are they hoping to get from the program? Ask them about themselves or their business. Be interested, approachable and likable.

There are three benefits to pre-engagement:

  1. You will have a better understanding of what your audience is expecting, what they need or want from you. As such you will do a better job of meeting those needs, and you will appear to be one of them and understand their issues. You may even use a story you heard from an audience member in the program.
  2. You build goodwill with members of the audience before you go on. They will be more inclined to like you and be interested in what you have to say. You are ahead of the game before you say your first word.
  3. You differentiate yourself from other speakers. Very few speakers actively pre-engage the audience. When you do it you increase goodwill, you will be remembered, you are more likely to get good evaluations and get asked back.

A related tip from professional speaker extraordinaire Joel Weldon, get to the venue early. Joel advises an hour before you are to go on. With that much time, you can check the room set up, troubleshoot technology issues and still have plenty of time for pre-engagement.


Phoenix Public Speaking LarryDr. Larry Emmott is one of the most entertaining speakers in dentistry. His high-energy programs provide the tools needed to make wise technological decisions, saving time and money.

Larry is a long-time professional member of NSA (National Speakers Association) and the past president of NSA Arizona. Through NSA, Larry has helped countless people develop their presentation skills and to grow a professional speaking business. Larry has been a featured speaker at every major US dental meeting and has addressed hundreds of professional groups in the US and around the world.

Email: LarryEmmott@DrLarryEmmott.com

Web: Dr. Larry Emmott.com