Phoenix Public Speaking coaching and workshops

Archive for fear of pubic speaking

Tip No. 11: Speaking Without Fear

What happens if you get nervous or slip up in the middle of your speech? In previous posts, we’ve presented tips to help calm nerves before you begin speaking, but what about while you are speaking.

Here are some tips to help deal with public speaking fear while speaking:

  • As you begin to speak, look for friendly faces in the audience first. Feed off their positive energy.
  • Remember: You mind affects your body language, but the opposite is true as well — your body language affects how you feel. Plant your feet and stand confidently. Hold your head up. You will begin to act more confidently.
  • Don’t apologize, don’t make excuses, and don’t say you’re nervous.
  • Be authentic; not perfect. Audiences are very forgiving of sincere speakers.
  • Laugh off mistakes, regain your footing and continue.
  • If you forget something, just move on. You’re probably the only one who knows you forgot.
  • Don’t forget to breathe, and do so from the diaphragm.
  • Be yourself and have fun!

By being your authentic self, your presentation will gain the most important element of a speech — credibility.

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