Phoenix Public Speaking coaching and workshops

Archive for inclusive body language

Tip #13: Using Your Body Language to ‘Influence and Include’

Body language is crucial to effective public speaking. It communicates more than our words. Some experts say as much as 80% of what we communicate is done through our body language. So, it’s important that we are using our body language to communicate what we are intending to say.

When you are making a business presentation, is your body language sending signals of “command and control” or are you trying to “influence and include?” You will have more success at persuading audiences to your way of thinking if you adopt a strategy of influence and include.

In this video clip from our “Speak Up and Stand Out” workshop, Paul Barton presents some tips on using body language to help you be more a more inclusive public speaker and presenter.

By using your body language to say what we are intending to say, you can become a more powerful communicator.