Phoenix Public Speaking coaching and workshops

Archive for tips and tricks to overcome public speaking fear

Overcoming Public Speaking Fear

Here’s a round-up of our best tips, tricks, and techniques to overcome your fear of public speaking.

Tip No. 8: Preparation Helps Reduce Fear
The more prepared you are, the less fearful you will be.

Tip No. 9: Be the Host, Not the Guest
You will be less anxious if you are the host.

Tip No. 10: Getting Rid of Fear Moments Before You Speak
Two techniques to use to deal with nervous energy.

Tip No. 11: Speaking Without Fear
What to do if you get nervous or slip up in the middle of your speech?

Tip No. 3: A Jedi Mind Trick to Boost Confidence
Our minds influence the way we act, but the opposite is true as well — the way we act influences our minds.

Do you have any tips to add? Please let us know what tips work best for you.