Phoenix Public Speaking coaching and workshops

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Public Speaking Tip #38: The Right Tone Makes All the Difference

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Carl W. Buechner, writer, and theologian

Perhaps more important than the words you say is how you say them. The tone of a speech or business presentation is crucial to engage your audience, to persuade them, and to get them to get out of their chairs to take action.

Words make us think, but it is tone that makes us feel. And ultimately it is how we feel that determines if we’re all in for a cause or committed to follow-through with an assignment.

When we manage people, it’s easy to slip into command-and-control tones. These tones can dampen commitment and damage trust with your audience. Business leaders must be mindful of the following tones and the sometimes unintended messages they can send:

  • Parental: I know best. I’m the boss so just do what I say.
  • Legal: I’m being really precise because I’m more worried about being avoiding a lawsuit than communicating with you.
  • Directive: I want you to perform these tasks. I’m the boss and I don’t have to explain why.
  • Traditional Business: I’m phony, impersonal and disconnected from you.
  • Informational: I’m more concerned with public appearance than communicating with you.
  • Promotional: I’m using pseudo-excitement to try to sell you something you probably don’t want.

In my 20-plus years working with leaders of large corporations, I’ve always found a tone that connotes a trusted partnership works best. Whether you are speaking to customers, shareholders, your own employees, contractors or vendors, you should speak with a tone that says “You are a valued business partner and we’re in this together.”

Striking the right tone can make all the difference. Find a partnership tone that works best for you. And when you do, you’ll move beyond being a mere manager and be on the path to becoming a great leader.

Related Links

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Finding the Voice of Your Organizations Brand to Communicate with Employees (PowerPoint)



Public Speaking Tip #36: PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts

Whether to use PowerPoint or other presentation software is an important decision when planning out a speech or business presentation (as discussed in Public Speaking Tip #34). If you do decide to create presentation slides make sure they are done correctly and convey the right image for you as a public speaker or business presenter. You can get some great ideas for content and slide design from SlideShare.net (as discussed in Public Speaking Tip #35).

I love the following two videos for the Do’s and Don’ts of using PowerPoint and other presentation software. The first video, done by comedian Don McMillan, is mainly for fun but does make some great points about what not to do. The second video, done by the Presenters Toolkit, gives some great tips to keep in mind when making slides. I hope you enjoy them both.

PowerPoint Don’ts


PowerPoint Do’s

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Quotable Quotes: Mark Twain on Impromptu Speaking

The truth is, life is a series of presentations. And if you think about it, most of those presentations are unscripted. All the world’s a stage and we’re always presenting on the go. We believe speeches should be delivered without fear and without notes so we teach simple, easy-to-remember formulas that allow you to think on the fly and put together great presentations.

You don’t get to use a teleprompter with you into a job interview, a loan application meeting, or to a business networking meeting. But public speaking doesn’t have to be scary or difficult. Check out our upcoming workshops or contact us about personal coaching to see how you can get the confidence to speak up and the skills to stand out in any situation.

There are Two Types of Speakers in the World

public speaking quoteMark Twain’s humorous quote about public speaking is pretty close to the truth based on the hundreds of people I’ve taught and coached. I work with leaders who don’t want speaking to hold them back any longer. I help give them the confidence to speak up and the skills to stand out so that they can command the room in any situation. If you love learning new tips, tricks and techniques and are ready to go to the next level, contact me today.

Quotable Quotes

“There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.” ~ Dale Carnegie