Phoenix Public Speaking coaching and workshops

Archive for Quotes

Quotable Quote: FDR on Public Speaking

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s once gave this advice on public speaking: “Be sincere. Be brief. Be seated.” FDR’s advice is spot on, especially for today’s audiences who seem to value authenticity and brevity above all else.

To master sincerity, focus on being personal, being yourself, but not being perfect. FDR mastered this technique in his famous “fireside chat” radio addresses to the nation.

But what’s the secret to being brief? How do you make your points as powerfully as possible in the shortest amount of time? Answer: Structure.

Having a thought-out and orderly structure to your speech keeps you focused and relevant and keeps you from rambling. Roosevelt mastered this technique as well.

In our coaching practice and workshops, we teach simple but powerful speech structures that you can easily adapt and use in business presentations, speeches and anywhere you find yourself speaking in public. Want to learn more? Let’s talk. Schedule a Speaking Sucess Strategy Session with us today. We promise to be sincere and to be brief!

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May All Your Dreams Come True in 2018!

Phoenix Public Speaking

Here’s to New Beginnings!

Phoenix Public Speaking New Year

Merry Christmas!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Phoenix Public Speaking Happy Thanksgiving

Public Speaking Tip #24: Heartfelt Belief

“Be silent, or say something better than silence.” ~ Pythagoras

Before you step before an audience to deliver a speech or a business presentation, you need to ask yourself one crucial question: Do you believe in your heart that you have at least one thing to say that will be meaningful to at least one person in your audience? While it’s not a high hurdle to cross, it can determine success or failure for you.

If your answer is “yes” and you believe it in your heart, you now have a reason to deliver your speech. This belief can help to build confidence in you and allow you to perform at your very best.

But if your answer is “no,” then you have two choices: (1) rework your speech until you do believe it is worthwhile or (2) stay home. It’s that simple. To be an effective public speaker, you need to believe in your message.

Quotable Quotes: Mark Twain on Impromptu Speaking

The truth is, life is a series of presentations. And if you think about it, most of those presentations are unscripted. All the world’s a stage and we’re always presenting on the go. We believe speeches should be delivered without fear and without notes so we teach simple, easy-to-remember formulas that allow you to think on the fly and put together great presentations.

You don’t get to use a teleprompter with you into a job interview, a loan application meeting, or to a business networking meeting. But public speaking doesn’t have to be scary or difficult. Check out our upcoming workshops or contact us about personal coaching to see how you can get the confidence to speak up and the skills to stand out in any situation.

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day originally was called Decoration Day and was held to honor fallen soldiers in the Civil War. Later, the holiday was expanded and today we remember all those who died in service to our nation.

Since it began, Memorial Day always has been a time for speech-making about those who have sacrificed to ensure our freedom. President Ronald Raegan, known as “the Great Communicator,” said the stirring words above in 1961, early in his political career.

We honor all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we might be free.

Quotable Quotes

Facts alone won’t cut it. Emotion, image, logic, and promise are the things of which compelling communications are made. This is true in all forms of communication including writing and speechmaking.

There are Two Types of Speakers in the World

public speaking quoteMark Twain’s humorous quote about public speaking is pretty close to the truth based on the hundreds of people I’ve taught and coached. I work with leaders who don’t want speaking to hold them back any longer. I help give them the confidence to speak up and the skills to stand out so that they can command the room in any situation. If you love learning new tips, tricks and techniques and are ready to go to the next level, contact me today.